We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Ottawa’s McKeen Metro Glebe Metro Glebe! Localize labels debued Oct. 21 in their family-owned store! McKeen Metro Glebe has been an Ottawa institution since 1910, and has been committed to supporting local food producers right from the start.
Shoppers can now see McKeen Metro Glebe’s custom Localize program that draws well-deserved attention to local food producers represented on the store’s shelves. The labels inform shoppers at a glance just how local each product is relative to the Glebe neighbourhood store, factoring in the origin of ingredients, company ownership, and production location.
McKeen Metro’s local product selection offers something for every shopper! Whether you are looking for mouth-watering hummus made down the street from the store by Kamals Homus, handcrafted brie from Back Forty Artisan Cheese, or organic portabellas from Carleton Mushroom Farm in the town of Osgood, Ontario.
We’re proud to see our partnership being celebrated! Check out the story by Mark Cardwell in Canadian Grocer Magazine: