The Mission

Creating connections across the food supply chain

We are on a mission to support local products to thrive in retail aisles. Localize was founded in 2011 to answer one question: “Where does our food come from?” Since then, we’ve evolved to become a connector between thousands of food businesses, retailers, and consumers who care.

Our growth story

We started with local.

We started with local, and we are proud of the retailers we work with across Canada to highlight amazing food producers. We’ve expanded our expertise to curate transparent and socially relevant product attributes, we are uniquely positioned to tell the whole story behind the products on store shelves.

We’re growing local economies.

We work directly with food businesses to tell the story behind their products and companies. Our software was built to easily manage and analyze local and specialty product listings and labels. Now we make it easier to source and label based on the factors that matter.

Meet our founder

Meghan Dear, Founder and CEO of Localize

Learn with us.

Localize in the News: Using Technology in Grocery Aisles.

Metro franchisee uses technology to connect shoppers with food producers

 Read more news and features.

Meet Kimberly and Jasmine from Big Mountain Foods.

Big Mountain foods is changing the meat alternative game. They use whole ingredients and minimally processing, making their products truly plant based.

Meet more Localize vendors.

Localize Series: Decoding Demand for Local Food.

Join as as we explore the underlying drivers behind preferences for local food, including: health; economy; environment; freshness; and quality.

Read more research from Localize.