Spotlight on: Big Mountain Foods

Mother-daughter duo, Kimberley Chamberland (left) and Jasmine Chamberland (right). Spotlight on: Big Mountain Foods   Winner of BCFPA’s Product of the Year award, Localize vendor Big Mountain Foods aims to create innovative, nutritious, whole food products. Based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, their team makes vegetarian friendly creations like veggie burgers, veggie grounds, and the latest – a cauli(flower) crumble. Kimberly and Jasmine…

Decoding Demand for Local Food

Decoding Demand for Local Food   Trends in consumer preferences come and go, so it is fitting that food makers and retailers that attach their brand to trends that have longevity are able to gain loyal customers and drive sales. There is something particularly compelling about consumer preferences for local food. “Local” has a different…